text morph



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This is where a bit of text changes into a different bit of text.

1) Open a new file. FILE>NEW.

2) right click on frame 20 in the timeline and select INSERT KEYFRAME.

3) Click On frame 1 select the TEXT tool and type a word on the stage in a fairly big size.Then break the text apart be selecting MODIFY>BREAK APART.

TIP:(to get the text alined in the middle of the stage select MODIFY>ALIGN and click on the apropate boxes)

4) Click on frame 20 in the timeline, select the TEXT tool again and on the stage write a different word. Then break the text apart by selecting MODIFY>BREAK APART.

TIP:(to get the text alined in the middle of the stage select MODIFY>ALIGN and click on the apropate boxes)

5) Right click on frame 1 in the timeline. Select PROPERTIES. Now click on the TWEENING tab and seclect SHAPE from the drop down list. Click on OK.


There's your simple Morph!