shape tween



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Shape Tweening

1) Open a new file FILE>NEW.

2) In the timeline right click on frame 20 and select INSERT KEYFRAME. Do the same for frame 40 and 60.

3) Double click on frame 1 and in the FRAME PROPERTIES select the TWEENING tab and select shape. Press OK. Do the same for frame 40 and 60.

4) Click on frame 1 and draw a circle anywhere on the stage. Click frame 20 and draw a square somewhere else on the stage. Click on frame 40 and draw a rectangle somewhere else on the stage.

5) Click back on frame 1 and go to EDIT>COPY.

6) Click on frame 60 and go to EDIT>PASTE IN PLACE.

7) Now test your movie by going to CONTROL>TEST MOVIE. And there's your simple but effective shape tween!