motion guide



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Motion Guide

1) Open a new document FILE>NEW.

2) Draw a square on the left side of the stage. Group the object by clicking on it and selecting MODIFY>GROUP.

3) Right click on frame 50 and select INSERT KEYFRAME.

4) Right click on layer 1 and select ADD MOTION GUIDE.

5) Click on frame 1 of the motion guide layer and draw a path using the PENCIL tool, to the right side of the stage.

6) Go to VIEW>SNAP.

7) Click on frame 1 of the OBJECT LAYER (your square). Click the middle of your square and drag it onto the start of your path until it snaps onto it.

8) Click on frame 50 of the OBJECT LAYER and drag your square to the other end of your path until it snaps onto it.

9) double click on frame 1 of the OBJECT LAYER. On the TWEENING tab select MOTION and check the box that says OREINT TO PATH DIRECTION. Click OK.

10) go to CONTROL>TEST MOVIE to see it in action!